Stomp it out!
"Ending relationship abuse with education and empowerment."

Providing specialist sessions in schools, Stomp give children and young people knowledge and understanding, empowering them to make healthy decisions and spot red flags in relationships. 

Stomp is a start-up with a small team and wish to be fun, warm and approachable to all ages and genders, yet professional and reliable when pitching to school settings.

Working closely with Stomp and their brand direction a logo is born. Stomp were adamant they wanted to have a 'splat effect' which would appeal to children. As the age range can vary from young children to teenagers, I chose to refine the 'splat effect' in order for the logo to be approachable to older ages. I used a rounded type for the logo to reinforce the approachable appeal and stay consistent with the shape language.

With a younger age group in mind and the nature of the subject, colours are going to play a large role for the brand. I have prepared a set of colours that can be used in various combinations for either a gender neutral, feminine or masculine theming. The purple and green really pop, allowing for fun and vibrant visuals, where as the pinks can help calm the visuals and bring a moment of clarity where necessary. 



